Client Portfolio

In 2019 Dublin became a member of UNESCO, Global Network of Learning cities, which put an emphasis on Dublin as a learning region. It promotes the benefits of lifelong learning as a critical way to maintain and grow the quality of life for individuals, families and communities

The ethos is based on Learning for Work, Life and Fun! The organisation promotes all aspects of education and puts an emphasis on inclusivity and excellence in terms of learning opportunities that are available to all.

Key Considerations

The new website had a number of objectives. In part, it needed to educate the public about the organisation and about what a “Learning City” actually meant. Another objective for the site was to act as a focal point for much of the activities and resources associated with the brand.

This included listing all events at the Dublin Learning City Festival 2022, in an easily accessible way. Learning Projects were listed and a Learning Directory of online learning resources was built – again it was important that this could be easily searched so the listing was categories for this purpose.

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